Entrepreneurship & self-development

Psychology and (of?) growth

One of the most troubling questions I ever had was why I could not pursue things I wanted (or whether I should) and that started my whole exploration into consciousness, psychology, ego etc. etc. I recently rediscovered and reflected about the initial post about stories and how the snowball started

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The true self

1.5 years passed since I first started toying around with the ideas of stories, me and my ego, dharma and such. I’ve read more books, listened to more of Dr. K’s videos (a goldmine, I promise) and most importantly – reflected – while running, talking with friends or just staring

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Apžvalga ’21

Atėjus šių.. įdomių metų galui sumaniau kažką dar parašyti. Paskirti laiko truputėlį susidėlioti pamokas, kas pavyko kas ne. Daugybę metų krapščiausi galvą kaip suktis darbuose, kaip ir koks motyvacijos būdas veiktų. Kadangi neturėjau darbui didelės aistros, vis galvojau kad galėčiau daryti ką nors daugiau/geriau, tai vietoje to, kad ką nors

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A thought popped into my mind recently. The more I serve – the better I feel. Content, at peace. And the more I try to do what I “want” – the opposite becomes true – I get frustrated and unsettled. I went into website design and development mostly because I

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This post is a collection of ideas or thoughts I reached along the way, through reading, listening, watching and a lot of instrospection. Some could still end up being worthy seperate posts, some are simpler and shorter. I might add some more later on, might not. – Don’t postpone happiness

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During my research on the topic of, well, life, I wrestled with a few competing theories – one I was coached upon, based on passion and desires (western), others were more spiritual and beyond ego. After writing the Me post, I was indeed, at least for a few months, present

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Recently, whenever I followed the news of any kind, be it news sites or my social feed, I was dumbfounded by the negativity I was seeing. No matter the topic – the pandemic or vaccination related; discussions around the Istanbul convention and its effects on “traditional families”; the church not

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In the last post I talked about stories. I ended it with a thought – what if I didn’t actually need a story in the first place..? Prior to the holidays, I considered that in order to be (feel) successful, and in turn, be happy, I had to have clear

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Lately I’ve been feeling as if I’m missing something in my life. Be it excitement, adventures or something I cannot put my finger on and describe. Certainly these aren’t easy times, as the pandemic fucked with everyone’s plans and goals, but I wanted to talk about something more, in many

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Late summer, I had an interesting experience. I went away for a peaceful weekend with my friends, the first and last time since the pandemic struck the world. I discussed work and could not stop myself from comparing my own achievements to those of my successful and ambitious friends. They

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